Sticker - Releases

Sticker (Dakota Higgins and Michael Gross) is a band that defies easy categorization. Weaving noise, tonal and atonal musics, stand-up comedy, games, audience participation, and more, Sticker creates an an electric live environment—both improvisational and tightly choreographed—in which the planned and the accidental become one and the same.

Institute for Quantum Music Research - Releases

Founded by David Roy, Kree-Cole McLaughlin, and Dakota Higgins, IQMR is a thoroughly electrified ensemble that blends dirty house beats with modular synthesizers, electric guitar, and home made noise machines.

Naming Things - Releases

Friends and frequent collaborators John Charles Bricker and Dakota Higgins unite in Naming Things to deliver emotionally sincere noise-pop.

Solo - Releases

Since his days in high school, Dakota Higgins has been producing and releasing music completely independently. His albums often feature several years of casual recordings made to document moments in his life as well as discoveries in the studio (i.e., his bedroom). Having maintained a diaristic field and studio recording process that utilizes whatever tools he has at hand (cell phones, tape recorders, friends’ field mics, etc.), Dakota approaches composition like a visual collagist, finding formal and sonic harmonies in the several pieces of disparate material he creates over great distances of time and space.